Nationally-Recognized Attorney Fee Expert


Recent Trial Court Successes

District Court Adopts Grant Stiefel's Fee Report and Cuts Millions from Attorney Fee Award

The district court for the Central District of California adopted and approved Grant Stiefel's methodology for evaluating block-billed, vague and redacted billing entries and slashed a prevailing First Amendment plaintiff’s $4.8 million fee award by more than sixty percent. Mr. Stiefel's detailed reporting and expert analysis allowed the judge to identify vague, redacted and block-billed time entries, and the court applied Mr. Stiefel's recommended discounts of more than $1 million. The court also eliminated more than 1,300 hours that Mr. Stiefel identified as duplicative and non-compensable, reflecting an additional $1 million in reduced fees

Grant Stiefel
Grant Stiefel's Expert Fee Testimony Saves Client Over $1 Million

In a lawsuit brought under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, the prevailing plaintiff moved for a fee award of over $1.5 million. Grant Stiefel’s expert fee analysis convinced the trial court that the requested hourly rates were unreasonable, that far too much time was spent on conferencing, and that the litigation was overstaffed. The court reduced the requested award by more than 60 percent

Grant Stiefel
O.C. Trial Court Adopts Grant Stiefel's Expert Analysis in Slashing Mandatory Fee Award by 75 Percent

A successful anti-SLAPP defendant moved for over $700,000 in mandatory attorneys’ fees. Although the defendant had prevailed at both the trial and appellate levels, Grant Stiefel's expert testimony showed that the fee request was block-billed, overly redacted, padded with excessive attorney conferencing and improperly staffed. The Orange County Superior Court agreed and cut the requested statutory fee award by more than 75 percent

Grant Stiefel